a corporate bodyの例文
- with the background indicated above , there was a misunderstanding due to the actions of the argentinean soka gakkai , and their religious activity was suspended for one year due to the order from the prime minister , however they managed to ' avoid losing the license to be a corporate body and suspension of religious activity ' since the interim order was accepted by a local court .
この背景にあるものはアルゼンチン創価学会の工作により誤解の生じたもので、大統領令によって1年に亘って公式に活動はできなかったが、「法人取り消し及び活動禁止処分の停止の仮処分」が現地裁判所で認められた。 - it was reported in an official organ of soka gakkai , ' soka shinpo ' that in argentina , mother teresa was told that nichiren shoshu sect was the only appropriate religion and others are not , and this was considered as criticizing other religions , or after they conducted an opening ceremony for a propagation office without gaining approval from the government , and the group lost the license to be a corporate body and the monks were forced to leave the country; currently , the propagation office held the opening ceremony and the activities of the temples are continuing .